Odoo ERP Artificial Intelligence

Odoo Manufacturing

With years of experience in Odoo, we provide implementation, customization, and support services tailored to the specific needs of your business.

Harness the advanced tools of MRP, PLM, Maintenance, and Quality from Odoo Manufacturing to gain valuable insights, strategically plan, and allocate resources efficiently. With Odoo Manufacturing, you can anticipate product demand, manage expenses and income, and develop precise strategies to safeguard your company from potential losses.

Optimize your operations and drive business growth with a tailored solution.

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Odoo Enterprise ERP – Odoo Manufacturing

Harness the efficiency of Odoo Manufacturing to enhance your production processes. Seamlessly connect all aspects of your manufacturing line in one place.

With Odoo Manufacturing, access premium business tools designed to simplify and optimize your manufacturing operations. From creating production orders to resource management, everything is integrated into an intuitive and user-friendly platform.

Enjoy unlimited flexibility and customization to tailor processes to your specific business needs. With the ability to integrate with other applications, Odoo Manufacturing streamlines your workflow and maximizes the efficiency of your production operations. Odoo software covers all essential aspects of manufacturing: from production scheduling to quality control and inventory management.

Odoo Manufacturing employs advanced technology to elevate your manufacturing operations. Its artificial intelligence engine facilitates tasks such as data analysis and statistical processing, providing continuous recommendations and adapting to optimize your strategies. This enables you to quickly leverage technology’s power in your business, making the best decisions for your future on a user-friendly platform.

In addition, Odoo Manufacturing offers detailed analysis and real-time reporting, allowing you to make informed and strategic decisions for your company. The ability to monitor the status of your operations and adjust strategies proactively ensures a competitive advantage in the market.

With Odoo Manufacturing, you have the support of a reliable and scalable solution that adapts to your business growth.


Advantages and Benefits of Odoo Manufacturing

Access all relevant information of your company with a single click. This allows top management representatives to manage and track all crucial business data in real-time, facilitating informed decision-making for business expansion.

Odoo Manufacturing offers better demand planning, more precise production scheduling, and improved coordination of distribution networks. Organize your manufacturing processes efficiently, optimize resource utilization, and enhance coordination across the supply chain.

With Odoo Manufacturing, you can easily create multi-level bills of materials, alternate routes, and version updates, allowing you to effectively manage the product lifecycle and adapt to changes in market demand.

Odoo Manufacturing incorporates automated quality controls that ensure product integrity and quality at every stage of the manufacturing process. Conduct quality checks at specific points in the process and efficiently manage quality alerts.

With Odoo Manufacturing, you can easily manage maintenance requests for repairs and improvements, as well as schedule preventive maintenance tasks to prevent breakdowns and maximize equipment availability.

Odoo Manufacturing provides a wide range of real-time reports and analyses that allow you to monitor production performance, analyze costs and efficiency, and make data-driven strategic decisions.


What We Offer?

We offer custom implementation service for Odoo Manufacturing, tailoring the tool to the specific needs of your company to ensure seamless integration with your existing manufacturing processes.

We provide continuous technical support and regular updates to keep the manufacturing system running optimally and up-to-date with the latest regulations and market trends.

We provide training and education to your team to ensure they can efficiently use all features of Odoo Manufacturing and maximize the available tools.

We offer customization and custom development services to create specific functionalities that meet the unique needs of your manufacturing operations, ensuring that Odoo Manufacturing meets all your expectations and operational requirements.

MRP: Manufacturing Process Optimization

Odoo’s Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP) application is a comprehensive solution that allows companies to efficiently define and plan the materials and resources needed to produce goods. By meticulously mapping your resources, Odoo Manufacturing enables demand-driven productivity, mitigates fluctuations caused by stockouts, and reduces inventory holding costs by minimizing excess inventory and product waste.

  • Bills of Materials (BOMs): Create bills of materials for each manufactured product, including variants and multi-level structures specifying components, routing information, and manufacturing steps.
  • Inventory Planning and Subcontracting Management: Plan inventory for subcontractors, monitor billing activities, and ensure the quality of manufactured products.
  • Demand Forecasting and Production Scheduling: Generate accurate demand forecasts for manufactured products and their components. Additionally, create a Production Schedule and implement Make-to-Order and Make-to-Stock rules based on demand forecasts.
  • Inventory Optimization: Calculate safety stock targets and determine minimum and maximum reorder quantities to maintain optimal inventory levels.
  • Waste Management: Track discarded products and components, recording dates, times, and quantities of waste to enhance quality control processes.

Odoo Manufacturing provides a centralized platform to optimize manufacturing operations, improve efficiency, and optimally utilize resources.

PLM: Product Lifecycle Management

Odoo’s Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) helps manufacturing teams effectively manage changes in engineering processes and streamline product change approvals by establishing a centralized repository for documents and constructive communication across multiple departments.

  • Product Data Consolidation: Centralize all product data (BOMs, technical specifications, engineering documents, change order revisions, drawings, worksheets, quality documents, manuals, etc.) for organization, management, and analysis.
  • Change Order Creation: Create change orders and configure custom workflows for submission, review, and validation.
  • Change and Product Version Tracking: Track engineering changes and different product versions with their respective documentation.
  • Real-Time Communication: Enable real-time communication between users with different roles and permissions directly in the proposal’s note section. This can ensure efficient change management and shorten product time-to-market.

Odoo PLM provides a centralized platform to effectively manage product changes, facilitating smooth collaboration among engineering, production, and quality teams. By leveraging these functionalities, teams can streamline product development processes, improve quality, and reduce time-to-market.


Odoo Manufacturing Applications

Odoo Manufacturing seamlessly integrates with a variety of tools and applications to simplify and automate your manufacturing processes.

Automatically sync crucial data, providing you with real-time updates to optimize management of your production line and make informed decisions quickly and accurately.

Efficiently manage your materials, work in progress, and finished goods. Control inventory flow in your manufacturing plant to minimize excess stock and avoid production disruptions.

Ensure product quality by implementing quality controls at each stage of the manufacturing process. Perform quality inspections, record results, and take corrective actions to ensure compliance with quality standards.

Optimize equipment performance and reduce unplanned downtime by implementing a preventive and corrective maintenance program. Schedule maintenance tasks, record maintenance histories, and manage spare parts inventory.

Efficiently plan and schedule your manufacturing orders considering production capacity, resource availability, and market demand. Optimize resource allocation and minimize lead times through accurate planning.

Coordinate complex, multi-stage manufacturing projects by resource allocation, scheduling activities, and tracking progress. Manage budget, costs, and timelines to ensure timely and within-budget delivery.

Utilize integrated data analysis tools to gain valuable insights into your manufacturing process performance. Analyze key metrics such as production efficiency, production costs, and resource utilization to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.


The software keeps track of all maintenance activities and helps ensure they are done on time and within budget. Additionally, Odoo Manufacturing sets plans for repair activities based on real-time equipment performance and facilitates preventive maintenance to avoid sudden equipment breakdowns resulting in costly repairs and production interruptions.

  • Equipment Information Storage: Stores all equipment information (category, supplier, model, serial number, cost, location where the equipment is used, etc.) in a centralized database.
  • Maintenance Requests Analysis: Analyzes maintenance requests and calculates mean time between failures, next estimated failure, last failure, and mean time to repair based on them.
  • Maintenance Requests Organization: Organizes maintenance requests and tracks their progress with Kanban and calendar views.
  • Automatic Activation of Maintenance Requests: Automatically triggers maintenance requests based on KPIs and directly from the central control panel.
Odoo Mantenimiento
Odoo Manufacturing

Quality Control and Verification

Odoo Manufacturing helps audit the production process from start to finish and maintain high quality of the produced goods. It provides an easy-to-use interface for employees to report quality defects from the production floor or warehouse. The quality alert then appears on the dashboard for a dedicated team to confirm, investigate root causes, and suggest corrective and preventive actions.

  • Quality Control Point Definition: Defines quality control points that automatically trigger quality checks on specific inventory operations.
  • Manual Creation of Quality Alerts: Manually creates quality alerts to record and address identified quality issues during the production process.
  • Tracking and Analysis of Quality Alerts: Tracks and analyzes quality alerts (type of quality issue, product and product variant, etc).
  • Categorization and Prioritization of Quality Alerts:Categorizes quality alerts by recipient (design, supplier, production) and requester (customer, main line, subline) and assigns priority to quality alerts.
  • Routing Products to Quality Zones: Routes products to dedicated quality zones for advanced checks, ensuring compliance with established quality standards.

Client Testimonials

Joseph Correa

Odoo has completely transformed the way we work. Integrating all our operations into a single platform has allowed us to save time.

Lucia Sanchez

Odoo has helped us improve the quality of our products. Thanks to complete traceability of the supply chain, we can identify and resolve issues much faster.

Carlos Vergara

Odoo has significantly improved customer service. Centralizing all customer information on one platform has allowed us to offer more personalized and efficient service.

Victor Vargas

Odoo has helped us reduce operational costs. Automating many repetitive tasks has allowed our employees to focus on more strategic activities.

Alexa Martinez

Odoo has boosted our online sales. Integrating our online store with our ERP system has allowed us to offer a smoother and more secure shopping experience.

Luis Martinez

Odoo has helped us improve our inventory management. Real-time visibility of our stocks has allowed us to avoid stockouts and optimize our purchases.

Natalie González

Odoo has optimized our delivery route management. Automated planning and tracking of orders have allowed us to deliver products to our customers more quickly.

Maria Sanchez

Odoo has optimized project management in our company, it really has helped us organize much better.

Sara Lara

Odoo has helped us reduce costs as we can have better control over our time and equipment. Highly recommended.

Our Clients

We work with the best in the industry.


How to Get Started?

Begin Your Journey to Efficient Production with Odoo Manufacturing!

Taking the first step towards optimizing your manufacturing process with Odoo Manufacturing is easier than you think. Follow these simple steps to get started:

1. Access Odoo Manufacturing Integration: Accessing Odoo Manufacturing integration will unlock a comprehensive set of tools designed to enhance the efficiency and quality of your production.

2. Explore Key Functionalities: Once inside Odoo Manufacturing integration, take time to explore the key functionalities it offers. From inventory management to production planning and quality control, Odoo Manufacturing provides all the necessary tools to manage every aspect of your manufacturing process.

3. Customize Your Setup: Tailor Odoo Manufacturing setup to fit your company’s specific needs. From creating customized bill of materials to setting up quality control checkpoints, leverage customization options to streamline your workflow.

4. Train Your Team: Ensure your team is fully trained in using Odoo Manufacturing. Provide necessary training so they can effectively utilize all available features and functionalities.

5. Implement Gradually: Don’t feel overwhelmed by Odoo Manufacturing implementation. Instead, start by gradually implementing different functionalities as needed. This will allow you to adjust to the new system effectively and minimize any disruptions to your production process.

With these simple steps, you’ll be on your way to more efficient and profitable production with Odoo Manufacturing. Don’t wait any longer to start your manufacturing transformation!

To fully leverage Odoo Manufacturing capabilities and ensure a successful implementation, it’s important to meet certain key requirements. Here are the fundamental aspects to consider:

  • Access to Odoo Platform:
    Ensure you have access to the Odoo platform, either through the cloud version or by installing it on your own server. This will allow you to access all Odoo functionalities, including the manufacturing suite.
  • Knowledge in Manufacturing and Business Processes:
    Having a good understanding of manufacturing processes and business operations is beneficial. This will help you make the most of the tools and functionalities offered by Odoo Manufacturing.
  • Adequate Technological Infrastructure:
    Ensure you have the proper technological infrastructure to support Odoo Manufacturing. This includes sufficient hardware and a stable internet connection to ensure optimal performance.
  • Trained Personnel:
    It’s crucial that your team is well-trained in using Odoo Manufacturing. Provide necessary training so they can understand and effectively use all available features and tools.
  • Planning and Strategy:
    Before implementing Odoo Manufacturing, proper planning and clear strategy development are important. Define your business goals and needs, and develop a detailed implementation plan to ensure long-term success.

Meeting these requirements will help you maximize the value of Odoo Manufacturing and drive efficiency and productivity in your manufacturing process.

The Odoo Enterprise and Odoo Open Source versions mainly differ in their features, support, and licensing model:

  1. Odoo Enterprise:

    • Odoo Enterprise is the paid version of Odoo that offers additional features and professional support.
    • It includes advanced features such as integration with Microsoft Office, advanced marketing functionalities, dedicated technical support, regular updates, and more.
    • Odoo Enterprise users have access to direct technical support from Odoo, including support via email, chat, and phone.
    • It is based on a proprietary license and requires payment of an annual subscription per user.
  2. Odoo Open Source:

    • Odoo Open Source is the free and open-source version of Odoo, providing a wide range of basic functionalities for business management.
    • It includes essential modules such as sales, purchases, inventory, accounting, and human resources, among others. However, some advanced features are limited or not available.
    • Support for Odoo Open Source is generally community-based, relying on user forums, online documentation, and publicly available resources. There is no direct access to Odoo technical support.
    • It is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), meaning it is open-source and free to use, modify, and distribute.

In summary, the main difference between Odoo Enterprise and Odoo Open Source lies in additional features, professional support, and licensing model.

Odoo Enterprise offers advanced features and dedicated support in exchange for an annual subscription, while Odoo Open Source is free but with limited features and support.

Security is a primary concern in any manufacturing environment. With Odoo Manufacturing, you can rest assured that your operations are secure and your data is safe at all times. Here’s how Odoo Manufacturing ensures security in your manufacturing process:

1. Protection of Sensitive Data: Odoo Manufacturing employs advanced security measures to protect your sensitive data, such as product information, bill of materials, and inventory data. Data is securely stored and encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.

2. Access Control and Permissions: With Odoo Manufacturing, you can control who has access to what data and functionalities within the system. Configure custom user permissions to ensure only authorized personnel can access confidential information and perform specific actions.

3. Audit and Activity Logging: Odoo Manufacturing logs all activities performed within the system, allowing you to track who accessed what data and what actions were taken. This facilitates security auditing and compliance.

4. Security Updates and Patches: Odoo provides regular updates and security patches to keep your system protected against the latest threats and vulnerabilities. Keep your Odoo Manufacturing installation up to date to ensure maximum protection.

5. Security Training for Personnel: Provide cybersecurity training for your personnel using Odoo Manufacturing. Educating your employees on best security practices and raising awareness about potential threats can help prevent security incidents.

With Odoo Manufacturing, you can have peace of mind knowing that your manufacturing process is protected against security threats and your data is secure at all times. Prioritize security in your business with Odoo Manufacturing.

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Contact us for a free consultation and receive assistance to successfully execute your project. Our team of specialists is ready to guide you in integrating Odoo Manufacturing into your company.

We are here to help you make the most of Odoo Manufacturing capabilities and ensure operational efficiency for your business.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Odoo ERP is an open-source suite of business applications that covers various areas such as sales, inventory, accounting, human resources, and more.

    Odoo Manufacturing is a suite of business applications that helps companies efficiently manage their production processes, quality control, maintenance, and resource planning. By integrating Odoo Manufacturing, companies can optimize their operations, improve production efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure product quality.

    By integrating Odoo Manufacturing, companies can experience a range of benefits, including better inventory management, more accurate production planning, real-time tracking of production progress, optimization of manufacturing resources, effective quality controls, and reduced downtime.

    Odoo Manufacturing offers a variety of modules, including MRP (Material Requirements Planning), PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), Maintenance, and Quality Control. The most relevant modules for manufacturing and quality control are MRP, Maintenance, and Quality Control.

    Yes, Odoo Manufacturing can easily integrate with other enterprise systems such as inventory management, sales, purchasing, accounting, and human resources systems through the use of connectors and APIs.

    Data in Odoo Manufacturing is securely managed using advanced security measures such as data encryption, user authentication, role-based access control, and security audits.

    Odoo Manufacturing is highly secure and uses industry-standard security measures to protect companies’ production information. In addition to built-in security measures, regular updates and continuous technical support ensure data security.

    Data migration to Odoo Manufacturing can be done quickly and efficiently using data import tools and custom migration processes. Odoo’s technical support team can assist in this process.

    The integration time of Odoo Manufacturing can vary depending on the size and complexity of the company. However, in general, the integration process can be completed in weeks or months, depending on the specific requirements of the company.

    Odoo Manufacturing provides a wide range of reports and analysis for production and quality management, including production reports, quality reports, efficiency analysis, manufacturing cost tracking, equipment performance analysis, and more.

    Odoo offers comprehensive technical support and training to help companies effectively use Odoo Manufacturing. This includes online support, detailed documentation, video tutorials, live training sessions, and access to an active user community.

    Odoo Manufacturing offers flexible customization tools that allow companies to customize reports, forms, and user interface views according to their specific needs. This can be easily done through the Odoo Studio editor or by developing custom modules.

    To measure the success of integrating Odoo Manufacturing, it is important to establish key performance metrics (KPIs) related to production, quality, inventory, and costs. Some common metrics include production efficiency, resource utilization, machine downtime, product rejection rate, delivery time, and production cost per unit.


    We work with the best in the industry.

    Odoo ERP Artificial Intelligence

    Odoo Manufacturing

    We welcome you to our team of experienced professionals specializing in Odoo Manufacturing solutions. From initial consultation to implementation, customization, and ongoing support, we work closely with our clients to ensure seamless integration and optimal performance of Odoo Manufacturing.

    Our team excels in customizing Odoo modules to fit your specific workflows and manufacturing processes, maximizing accuracy and efficiency in your production operations.

    We take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction and strive to build lasting relationships. With our comprehensive support services, including training, issue resolution, and continuous maintenance, you can rely on us to be with you every step of the way.

    Contact us today for more information on how we can help you make the most of Odoo Manufacturing and boost the growth and success of your business.

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