Odoo Multichannel Sales

With years of experience and a deep understanding of the Odoo ecosystem, we provide implementation, customization, and support services tailored to the specific needs of each business. From integration with marketplaces like Amazon and eBay to centralized inventory and order management, Odoo Multichannel Sales ensures superior performance and continuous improvement in managing your online sales channels.

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Odoo Enterprise ERP – Multichannel Sales

Harness the power of Odoo Multichannel Sales Integration. Seamlessly connect with marketplaces like Amazon and eBay to manage your sales in one place.

With Odoo Multichannel Sales, you have access to enterprise-level features such as inventory synchronization, order management, and price automation, without the cost of an enterprise solution.

Moreover, unlimited customization allows you to easily meet your unique multichannel sales needs. With the ability to integrate with other applications, Odoo Multichannel Sales optimizes your operations and maximizes the efficiency of your sales channels.

Odoo’s software covers all essential aspects of e-commerce: from product and catalog management to integration with multiple payment platforms. Its modular design allows you to add functionalities according to your business needs, ensuring you always have the right tools. Additionally, its intuitive interface facilitates adoption and use by your entire team, ensuring a smooth transition and optimal performance.

Odoo Multichannel Sales not only centralizes your operations but also offers detailed analysis and real-time reports, allowing you to make informed and strategic decisions for your business. The ability to monitor the performance of each sales channel and adjust strategies proactively ensures a competitive advantage in the market.


Advantages and Benefits of Odoo Multichannel

Odoo Multichannel Sales allows you to connect and manage your products on popular platforms like Amazon, eBay, Rakuten, and others, centralizing all your sales operations in one place.

Keep your inventory automatically updated across all your sales channels, avoiding overselling and ensuring that you always have stock available.

Manage and process all your orders from a single interface, simplifying logistics and improving operational efficiency.

Configure pricing rules and promotions that are automatically applied across all your sales channels, ensuring consistency and optimization of your pricing strategies.

Gain valuable insights into the performance of your sales channels through detailed analysis and reports, allowing you to make informed decisions and adjust your strategies quickly.

Adapt Odoo Multichannel Sales to the specific needs of your business with unlimited customization and add functionalities as your business grows, ensuring that you always have the right tools.


What do we Offer?

We provide continuous technical support and regular updates to keep the multichannel sales system running optimally and in compliance with the latest market trends and demands.

We provide training and education to your team to ensure they can efficiently utilize all the features of Odoo Multichannel Sales and get the most out of it.

We offer customization and tailor-made development services to create specific functionalities that suit the unique needs of your company, ensuring that Odoo Multichannel Sales meets all your expectations and requirements.

We offer a personalized implementation service for Odoo Multichannel Sales, adapting the tool to the specific needs of your company to ensure seamless integration with your existing processes.

Multichannel Listing Management

With Odoo’s multichannel listing management, expanding to new sales channels becomes as easy as a few clicks. If you currently sell your products within an eCommerce platform, our integration allows you to export all products to Odoo, where you can effortlessly create products and send them to additional channels like marketplaces. This functionality simplifies expanding your market presence, ensuring you can reach more potential customers without duplicating efforts.

Odoo’s listing management includes a unique feature that allows you to control product listings for each channel directly from the platform. From a single location in Odoo, you can modify prices, descriptions, images, and other specific elements for each channel. This means you can save time and effort by making adjustments to products across multiple channels, allowing your team to work more efficiently and maintain consistency across all sales points.

With Odoo’s Multichannel Sales solution, Odoo becomes the central controller of your business. The integration facilitates the management and optimization of your sales operations by offering:

  • Easy expansion to new sales channels with just a few clicks.
  • Centralized control of all your product listings from a single location.
  • Quick and efficient modification of prices, descriptions, and other details for each retail channel.
  • Time and effort savings when making adjustments to products across multiple channels.
  • Consistency in product presentation across all sales points, ensuring a consistent shopping experience for your customers.
  • Increased operational efficiency and the ability to adapt quickly to changes in the retail market.


Odoo’s multichannel solution provides comprehensive support for leading eCommerce platforms and marketplaces, enabling integrated management of all your sales points. By creating a single database of products that can be activated and customized on various eCommerce sites such as Shopify and WooCommerce, as well as online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay, Odoo facilitates cross-selling and expanding your market reach.

With integrated connectors, you can send your products to these channels with a single click and start selling immediately. Additionally, you can easily connect your eCommerce website to Odoo, centralizing inventory management, order fulfillment, pricing, and more from a single location. This integration significantly simplifies operational management by eliminating the need to switch between multiple platforms, allowing you to spend more time on sales strategies and customer service.

In addition to streamlining operational management, Odoo’s integration with your sales channels gives you the flexibility to customize the shopping experience for each channel. You can adjust product presentation, promotional offers, and pricing strategies to match the preferences and purchasing behaviors of your customers on each platform.

This adaptability allows you to optimize your operations and improve sales efficiency across all your channels, ensuring a consistent and satisfactory shopping experience for your customers, regardless of where they choose to buy.

With Odoo, you have the tools you need to implement an effective and successful omnichannel sales strategy that drives your business growth in today’s competitive retail market.

Odoo Multichannel Sales

Odoo Multichannel Sales Applications

.Odoo Multichannel Sales seamlessly integrates with a variety of applications to help you maintain your online and offline sales operations. It automatically synchronizes relevant data with your sales platform, including inventory, pricing, promotions, order management, and more.

Automate purchasing planning with AI-powered intelligent inventory, optimizing your inventory operations to ensure efficient stock management.

Centralize and optimize fulfillment operations in Odoo, ensuring efficient order management and timely product delivery, whether online or in physical stores.

Manage your company’s finances integratedly and in compliance with legal standards, providing a clear and accurate view of your financial statements for informed decision-making.

Consolidate all your customer service operations in one place, improving efficiency and the quality of customer service across all your sales channels.

Manage your marketing channels integratively and leverage customer data to design effective promotion strategies and increase brand visibility.

Integrate your e-commerce platform with manufacturing and customized order processing to provide a seamless direct-to-consumer shopping experience.

Smart Inventory

We’ve simplified your purchasing decisions with AI-powered smart inventory. Using our AI engine that seamlessly integrates with your Odoo instance, you can harness data science in your operations.

  • Visualize real-time inventory information by sales channel.
  • Use demand forecasts and purchasing planning to optimize your purchasing decisions and plan your investments.
  • Receive alerts for inventory excess and shortage to keep you informed of your stock levels.

The ability to access detailed information about your inventory levels in real-time allows you to proactively adjust your purchasing strategies, maximizing operational efficiency and reducing costs associated with inventory excess or stockouts.

Odoo Venta Multicanal

Point of Sale

Our multichannel solution offers in-person sales with a powerful point of sale that seamlessly integrates with the rest of your system, including sales, invoicing, and inventory.

  • Designed for mobile devices and compatible with multiple devices.
  • Allows for online and offline sales, enabling you to complete transactions even when you’re not connected to a network.
  • Sell in person, wherever you are, ensuring a smooth and convenient shopping experience for your customers.

With a point of sale, you can seamlessly conduct transactions anywhere and anytime, ensuring a perfect shopping experience for both your in-store customers and those who prefer to shop online. The ability to work in offline mode ensures you never miss a sale, even in environments where connectivity may be intermittent.

Customer Testimonials

Joseph Correa

Odoo has completely transformed the way we work. Integrating all our operations into one platform has allowed us to save time.

Lucia Sanchez

Odoo has helped us improve the quality of our products. Thanks to the complete traceability of the supply chain, we can identify and solve problems much faster.

Carlos Vergara

Odoo has significantly improved customer service. Centralizing all customer information on one platform has allowed us to offer a more personalized and efficient service.

Victor Vargas

Odoo has helped us reduce operating costs. Automating many repetitive tasks has allowed us to free up time for our employees to focus on more strategic activities.

Alexa Martinez

Odoo has boosted our online sales. Integrating our online store with our ERP system has allowed us to offer a smoother and more secure shopping experience.

Luis Martinez

Odoo has helped us improve inventory management. Real-time visibility of our stock has allowed us to avoid stockouts and optimize our purchases.

Natalie González

Odoo has optimized our delivery route management. Automated planning and tracking of orders have allowed us to deliver products to our customers more quickly.

Maria Sanchez

Odoo has optimized project management in our company; it has really helped us to organize much better.

Sara Lara

Odoo has helped us reduce costs as we can have better control over our time and team. Highly recommended.

Our Clients

We work with the best in the industry.


How to Get Started?

Starting with Odoo Multichannel Sales is a relatively straightforward process. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Evaluate Needs: Before you begin, it’s important to assess your business needs and determine how Odoo Multichannel Sales can help you achieve your goals. Identify the sales channels you want to expand into and the specific functionalities you need to effectively manage your multichannel sales operations.

  2. Sign Up for Odoo: If you don’t already have an Odoo account, sign up for their platform. You can access Odoo through their cloud version or download and install Odoo on your own server.

  3. Select Applications: Explore the different applications available in Odoo that fit your multichannel sales needs. Odoo offers a variety of applications ranging from inventory management and point of sale to integration with marketplaces and management of marketing channels.

  4. Initial Configuration: Once you’ve selected the appropriate applications, proceed to configure them according to your business requirements. This may include setting up your online sales channels, synchronizing inventory, configuring pricing, and integrating with payment platforms.

  5. Data Import: If you already have product, customer, or sales data, import this information into Odoo to start working with a complete database. Odoo provides import tools that make this process easy.

  6. Training and Education: Train your team in using Odoo Multichannel Sales. Provide training on how to use the various functionalities of Odoo and how to effectively manage multichannel sales operations.

  7. Testing and Adjustment: Before fully launching your multichannel sales operations, conduct thorough testing to ensure everything is working correctly. Make adjustments as necessary to optimize your processes and improve operational efficiency.

  8. Launch and Monitoring: Once you’re satisfied with the setup and testing, launch your multichannel sales operations. Monitor your sales and operations in Odoo and make continuous adjustments as needed to improve performance and achieve your business goals.

To integrate Odoo Multichannel Sales and start selling across multiple channels, it’s important to consider some key requirements:

  1. Access to Odoo Multichannel Sales: Obtain access to our integrated solution of Odoo Multichannel Sales.
  2. Selection of Required Applications: Identify and select the necessary Odoo applications to manage your sales across multiple channels.
  3. Setting Up Sales Channels: Configure your sales channels in Odoo for each platform where you want to sell, including your own online store and other marketplaces.
  4. Inventory Synchronization: Ensure inventory synchronization across all sales platforms to avoid stock issues and improve product management.
  5. Pricing and Promotion Configuration: Define your prices and promotions in Odoo for each sales channel, maintaining consistency across all platforms.
  6. Integration of Payment Methods: Integrate payment methods with your Odoo instance to facilitate online transactions and enhance the customer experience.

The version of Odoo Enterprise and Odoo Open Source mainly differ in their features, support, and licensing model:

  1. Odoo Enterprise:

    • Odoo Enterprise is the paid version of Odoo that offers additional features and professional support.
    • It includes advanced features such as integration with Microsoft Office, advanced marketing functionalities, dedicated technical support, regular updates, and more.
    • Odoo Enterprise users have access to direct support from Odoo, including assistance via email, chat, and phone.
    • It is based on a proprietary license and requires payment of an annual subscription per user.
  2. Odoo Open Source:

    • Odoo Open Source is the free and open-source version of Odoo, providing a wide range of basic functionalities for business management.
    • It includes essential modules such as sales, purchases, inventory, accounting, and human resources, among others. However, some advanced features are limited or not available.
    • Support for Odoo Open Source is typically community-based, relying on user forums, online documentation, and publicly available resources. There is no direct access to Odoo’s technical support.
    • It is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), meaning it is open-source and free to use, modify, and distribute.

In summary, the main difference between Odoo Enterprise and Odoo Open Source lies in the additional features, professional support, and licensing model.

Odoo Enterprise offers advanced features and dedicated support in exchange for an annual subscription, while Odoo Open Source is free but with limited features and support.

Security in Odoo Multichannel Sales

In Odoo, security is a fundamental priority in all our solutions, including Odoo Multichannel Sales. We use cutting-edge technologies and robust security practices to protect our users’ confidential data and ensure the integrity of their business operations across all sales channels.

  1. Data Encryption: We implement data encryption to protect the confidentiality of information transmitted and stored on our platform.

  2. Two-Factor Authentication: We offer two-factor authentication to add an additional layer of security to user accounts.

  3. Security Audits: We conduct regular security audits to detect and mitigate potential vulnerabilities on our platform.

  4. Role-Based Access Controls: We use role-based access controls and granular permissions to control access to sensitive information.

Continuous Updates and Monitoring:

We keep our systems and applications updated to protect against new threats and emerging vulnerabilities. Our highly trained and dedicated security team continuously monitors the platform to identify and respond promptly to any security incidents.

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Odoo Consultants or Odoo Developers
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Contact us for a free consultation and assistance in successfully implementing Odoo Multichannel Sales in your company.

Our team of experts is ready to advise you on leveraging Odoo’s multichannel sales capabilities and ensuring the success of your business across all sales channels.


    Odoo ERP is an open-source suite of business applications that covers various areas such as sales, inventory, accounting, human resources, and more.

    Odoo Multi-Channel Sales is an integrated solution for managing sales across multiple channels. It benefits your business by simplifying the management of online and marketplace sales, improving efficiency, and enhancing the customer experience.

    The integration simplifies sales management, synchronizes inventory across all channels, and improves real-time sales visibility.

    It offers modules for inventory management, sales, e-commerce, point of sale, marketing, and finance. The relevance depends on the specific needs of your company.

    Yes, it can integrate with other systems for integrated management of sales, inventory, and finance.

    It is customized through module configuration, custom fields, and report design according to your company’s needs.

    Data is managed centrally and securely in Odoo Multichannel Sales. Security measures such as data encryption and access permissions management are applied.

    Odoo Multichannel Sales is highly secure and protects financial and sales information through robust security practices and compliance with security standards.

    Data migration is carefully and meticulously carried out, usually with data import and export tools available in Odoo.

    The integration time can vary depending on the size and complexity of the company, but it’s usually relatively quick with the assistance of implementation experts.

    Odoo Multichannel Sales offers a variety of customizable reports and analyses that provide insights into sales, inventory, channel performance, among other key aspects of the business.

    You can measure success through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as increased sales, improved inventory management, reduced operational costs, and customer satisfaction. Additionally, you can conduct comparative analyses before and after implementation to assess the impact on efficiency and productivity.


    We work with the best in the industry.

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    Odoo Multichannel Sales

    Welcome to our team of experienced professionals specializing in Odoo solutions. From the initial consultation to implementation, customization, and ongoing support, we work closely with our clients to ensure seamless integration and optimal performance of Odoo Multichannel Sales.

    Our team excels in customizing Odoo modules to fit your specific workflows and business processes, maximizing efficiency and productivity in your multichannel sales operations.

    We take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction and strive to build lasting relationships. With our comprehensive support services, including training, issue resolution, and continuous maintenance, you can rely on us to be by your side every step of the way.

    Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you make the most of Odoo Multichannel Sales and drive the growth and success of your business.

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